At 1 Sewardstone Close we are committed to providing high-quality care and rehabilitation that is effective and responsive to people’s individual support needs, delivered by expert team members who are well-led in an environment that is safe and secure enabling residents to lead fulfilling lives.
We were inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in January 2020, this is what they said about our home:
- People’s comments about the quality of care received were positive. One person told us, “The staff are nice.” A second person told us, “The staff are good, I like them.” Relatives told us, “Staff are very friendly,”
- Where appropriate people were supported to remain independent. People were supported to keep their bedroom clean and tidy and to complete their own laundry. One person told us, “Staff help me to keep my independence.”
- Relatives confirmed they were kept up-to-date about their family members needs and the outcome of health-related appointments.
- Suitable arrangements were in place to ensure people had the opportunity to take part in leisure and social activities of their choice and interest, both ‘in-house’ and within the local community. One person told us they had been encouraged and enabled to continue their passion for music. The person had written a song, and this had been uploaded to YouTube and the song was to be recorded.
- People using the service, relatives and staff were complimentary regarding the registered manager and said the service was well managed and led. One relative told us, “I am very happy with it [1 Sewardstone Close]. My relative has been here X years and there have been no problems. Any issues would be sorted out by the manager, my relative likes it here.”
- Staff advised they enjoyed working at 1 Sewardstone Close. Comments included, “I really enjoy coming to work, it’s not just a job” and, “I absolutely love it.”
- Staff spoken with told us training provided consisted of ‘face to face’ and online training which enabled them to meet people’s needs to an appropriate level. One member of staff told us, “There was a lot of training, it was very good…”
- Staff told us they felt valued and supported, particularly by the registered manager. Comments included, “I feel very supported and know I could go to the manager” and, “I feel really supported, the manager is absolutely brilliant. I feel I have a voice and am listened to.”